Retroearns - Economicsystem

Economic Ecosystem

All sales made in the shop (premium account days, access, ticket boss, siege coins, items, scrolls, etc.) will have their resources applied instantly in the RTC token pool.

The account that is deleted due to the use of cavebot, or more than 2 open clients will have their points/RTCs injected into the RTC token pool.

There are four ways to extract resources from the pool:

  • Direct purchase of RTC with NPC Trader
  • Drawing luck in Boss/Sieges rewards
  • Extraction of token fragments from dead creatures using the token mining rune

NPC Trader

Only players level 80 or higher can purchase RTC from the NPC Trader

Daily RTC Purchase Limit Based on Level

Level Range Daily RTC Purchase Limit
80 - 109 1 RTC
110 - 129 2 RTC
130 - 149 3 RTC
150 - 169 4 RTC
170 - 189 5 RTC
190 - 199 6 RTC
200 - 209 7 RTC
210+ 8 RTC + 1 RTC for each 10 Levels

Boss/Sieges rewards

Try your luck in sieges and bosses, and earn lots of RTC tokens fragments.

There is no daily limit for bosses, however, sieges can only be done once a day

Token Extraction System from Creatures

Some creatures carry token fragments in their bodies, a Token Mining rune can be used for extraction.

Talk to Npc Rachel to exchange 10 token fragments for 1 Real token coin (RTC).

Exemple "hi/change token fragments/yes.

Chance of success for each creature

Monster Chance of Success
Rotworm 0.03%
Larva 0.03%
Minotaur 0.04%
Minotaur Archer 0.06%
Ghoul 0.06%
Tarantula 0.08%
Mummy 0.1%
Minotaur Guard 0.12%
Dwarf Guard 0.12%
Cyclops 0.12%
Scarab 0.12%
Vampire 0.35%
Dragon 0.5%
Giant Spider 0.65%
Dragon lord 1.5%
Hydra 1.5%
Behemoth 1.8%
Serpent Spawn 2%
Demon 4.5%
Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box